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Classification and market scale of DC Deceleration Motor Longerteng Motor

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Classification and market size of DC deceleration motor 1. According to the form of motor classification: There are DC and AC two categories, which DC deceleration motor to include step deceleration motor and brushless DC deceleration motor. The AC gear motor is divided into AC synchronous gear motor and AC asynchronous motor. According to the classification of Motor Power: DC deceleration motor can also be divided into large, medium, small and micro, large general power of 10KW or more, mostly used in mining, construction, rolling and other occasions. Medium and small refers to the power in the range of 1-10KW, mainly used in a variety of industrial equipment. Miniature refers to the motor less than 1KW. Small module DC decelerating motor, generally using DC motor, generally is 10W below. According to Gear Mesh: There are external mesh or spur gear Mesh, helical gear Mesh, planetary gear Mesh, worm gear Mesh, Gear Rack Mesh, Harmonic Gear Mesh, etc. . In this paper, the main theory is the spur gear meshing small modulus motor. Classification by purpose: Industrial (vending machine, automatic charger) , agricultural (automatic cotton machine, automatic spraying pesticide machine) , domestic (automatic curtain, automatic toilet, TV corner) . Automatic and aerospace and automotive, etc. . II. Gear Motor market scale so far, the lack of authority on the DC deceleration motor market statistics, but from the motor market data can be estimated. Annual growth rate, according to data analysis, from the 1990s Wei, the world's average annual growth rate of micro-motor output of 10% . The growth rate of the gear motor is about 10% . Source: Dongguan Longerteng Motor  .


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